Canal du Midi line Toulouse – Narbonne

Canal du Midi - Port du Somail © CRTL Occitanie / J.Damase

A journey alongside a World Heritage Site 

Toulouse - Port de l'Embouchure © CRTL Occitanie / P.Thébault

From Toulouse, enjoy a royally serene journey along a royal civil engineering structure, the Canal du Midi, commissioned by Louis the 14th, created by Pierre-Paul Riquet and admired by all to this day.

Canal du Midi à vélo © CRTL Occitanie / J.Damase

Get a foretaste of Mediterranean-like landscapes as you travel through the Lauragais region ... 

Carcassonne © CRTL Occitanie / G.Deschamps

... and stop off in the historic fortress of Carcassonne, also a UNESCO World Heritage Site. 

As it progresses along the Canal du Midi, through the Corbières, the train will bring you closer to the sea. 

Narbonne © Laurie Biral / Ville de Narbonne

Narbonne will greet you upon arrival, displaying its sumptuous architectural heritage and nearby beaches.

The Canal du Midi line 

Toulouse – Narbonne

  • Journey with stopovers: Up to 6 days.
  • Non-stop journey: 1 hour 45 min.
  • On-board service: bicycles allowed.
  • Best seats: On the left, forward-facing.
  • Why choose to journey by train: -86% CO2 emissions.

Tips for travellers  

Toulouse © CRTL Occitanie / P.Thébault

In Toulouse: Get into the Canal du Midi mood and walk or cycle along the towpath from the port of Saint-Sauveur to the Pont des Demoiselles (or beyond if you wish).  

Stopover in
Cassoulet - Occitanie

In Castelnaudary: Stop off to sample the famous Castelnaudary cassoulet, a highlight south-western French cuisine. 

Stopover in
Carcassonne © Le Boat

In Carcassonne: Take a boat trip on the Canal du Midi once you've strolled through the streets and on the ramparts of the beautiful historic fortress of Carcassonne. 

Stopover in
Narbonne © Ville de Narbonne / Lisa Debande

In Narbonne: Discover the thousand-year-old heritage of the capital of Roman Gaul and, in summer, take a bus to Narbonne-Plage or Gruissan.

Stopover in

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Connections with regional liO buses

Timetable and map on the liO website - Aude tab and Haute-Garonne tab (357 bus service).