AUCH , Gers – Restauro

Chi siamo

Located in the centre of town just off the cathedral, Le Daroles is a typical Parisian brasserie in the heart of Gascony. The writer Stendhal even paid it a visit in April of 1838! A turn-of-the-last-century décor, private dining rooms and a terrace in the shade of lime trees contribute to a warm setting where you will enjoy southwestern specialities or brasserie items. Groups up to seventy people can be accommodated in a special, demarcated area. Here is a peek at what you will find… DAROLES MENU (16.50 euros) – Your choice of starter (Warm salmon salad with raspberry vinegar or Gascony salad or Fish soup with rouille and croutons) – Your choice of main dish (Escalope of salmon grilled with sorrel or Sautéed duck hearts with oyster mushrooms or Slice of rumpsteak grilled with green peppercorns or Old-fashioned preserved duck) – Your choice of dessert. GASCONY MENU (27.50 euros) – Pousse-rapière aperitif – Lightly cooked duck foie gras and toasts – Darioles salad (mixed salad, preserved turkey gizzards, warm duck breast strips, lightly cooked foie gras, slices of cured duck breast) – “All Duck” Platter (Half portion of preserved duck, duck breast strips with foie gras sauce, chopped grilled duck breast) – Apple croustade or Armagnac prune ice cream. Also available to you: Three fully equipped meeting rooms accommodating twenty to forty participants each. Concert and piano bar: Entertainment once a month.

Type de cuisine : Cucina gastronomica, Régionales française, Cuisine traditionnelle française

Lingue parlate : Inglese Spagnolo


  • A partire dal 10€
  • A partire dal 27€
  • A partire dal 11,9€

Modalità di pagamento

  • Buoni ristorante
  • Assegno vacanze
  • Cartes de paiement
  • Contanti



  • Bar
  • Terrazza


  • Seggiolone
  • Aria condizionata
  • Fasciatoio


  • Animazione

Arrivare in treno liO (treni regionali)

Occitanie Rail Tour

A moins de 20 mn à pied de la gare de Auch !
Environ 18 min (1552 m).

La meilleure desserte pour la gare AUCH propose jusqu’à 11 A/R par jour entre 07:54:00 et 20:05:00.
Pour plus d’informations, allez sur FACIL’ITI

Arrivare in liO Auto o autobus urbano

A moins de 10 mn à pieds de l’arrêt AUCH – Allées Baylac !
Cet arrêt est situé sur les lignes : AUCH – AIRE SUR ADOUR (934)

Environ 2 min (210 m).


  • Numero massimo di persone 90
