Bastides line, Toulouse – Figeac

Cordes sur Ciel - Tarn © P.Thébault / CRTL Occitanie

Bastides line Toulouse – Figeac ToulouseRabastensLisle-sur-TarnGaillacCordes-sur-CielNajacVillefranche-de-RouergueCapdenacFigeac A journey through nature and heritage  From the pink façades of Toulouse to the woody hills of the Tarn and Aveyron valleys … Board the train and wind your way through timeless scenery and discover four bastides …  … the Lisle-sur-Tarn, Cordes sur Ciel, Najac and Villefranche-de-Rouergue bastides.   They […]

Pyrenees line, Toulouse – Latour de Carol

Les Pyrénées © Ariège Pyrénées Tourisme /C.Ripon

Pyrenees line Toulouse – Latour de Carol ToulousePamiersFoixTarascon-sur-AriègeAx-les-ThermesLatour de Carol The call of the mountain!  Leaving Toulouse, the train soon follows the course of the Ariège river to take you southwards to the Pyrenees … The mountain scenery looms ahead, the Pyrenees mountain range takes shape and your eyes open wide.  You can already see […]

Lot and Dordogne line, Toulouse – Brive Dordogne Valley

Cahors - Pont Valentré © CRTL Occitanie / P.Thébault

Lot and Dordogne line Toulouse – Brive Dordogne Valley ToulouseMontaubanCaussadeCahorsSouillacBrive Vallée de la Dordogne A getaway journey into nature. Bye bye animated streets and squares of Toulouse! The train is waiting to take you slowly to green-clad horizons, all the way to the peaceful heart of the Corrèze. On the way … the orange bricks […]

Vermeille Coast line, Perpignan – Cerbère

Réserve sous-marine de Cerbère-Banyuls © Didier Fioramonti

Vermeille Coast line Perpignan – Cerbère PerpignanArgelès-sur-merColliourePort-VendresBanyulsCerbère A panoramic view of the Mediterranean  The line starts in Perpignan, then crosses the Roussillon plain that fades into the blue of the sea. The train’s magnificent route hugs the bays and coves of the Vermeille coast.  Panoramic views, with the sea at arm’s length … This is […]

Aubrac line, Béziers – To Clermont-Ferrand

Aubrac ©

Aubrac line Béziers – To Clermont-Ferrand BéziersTournemire-RoquefortMillauSéverac-le-ChâteauMarvejolsAumont-AubracSt-Chély-d’Apcher A journey through wide open spaces  A French rail network legendary line which runs from the Mediterranean to the Massif Central through remarkable scenery. Magnificent and unspoilt landscapes with unique character: The Aveyron limestone plateaux, the Aubrac National Park, the Margeride hills, … … all providing a feast […]