877 liO bus service (+ 887 bus service)

Canoe sur la Dordogne© Lot Tourisme

877 liO bus service Souillac Biars-sur-Cère You’re in for a summer to remember in the Dordogne Valley on the 877 liO bus. It’s time to hit the road and explore all the water sports, natural, cultural and culinary heritage that the Lot has to offer. Period: summer, from early June to late September. Days: Monday […]

888 liO bus service

Abbatiale de Souillac © Tourisme Lot / C.Novello

888 liO bus service Souillac Saint-Denis-Les-Martels The 888 “Souillac – Saint-Denis-Les-Martels” liO bus stops in Martel, listed as a “Plus Beau Village de France”, “Ville d’Art et d’Histoire” and “Site Remarquable du Goût”. This must-visit destination towers over the Dordogne Valley from its Causse plateau. Period: all year round. Days: Monday to Friday. Start point […]

Lot and Dordogne line, Toulouse – Brive Dordogne Valley

Cahors - Pont Valentré © CRTL Occitanie / P.Thébault

Lot and Dordogne line Toulouse – Brive Dordogne Valley ToulouseMontaubanCaussadeCahorsSouillacBrive Vallée de la Dordogne A getaway journey into nature. Bye bye animated streets and squares of Toulouse! The train is waiting to take you slowly to green-clad horizons, all the way to the peaceful heart of the Corrèze. On the way … the orange bricks […]