661-681 liO bus service

Le Caylar © ADT 34 - E. Brendle

661-681 liO bus service Montpellier Millau The 661-681 “Montpellier – Millau” liO bus crosses the Hérault plain, its villages, vineyards and olive groves to reach Lodève in the Larzac foothills. From here, you climb up the spectacular Pas de l’Escalette to reach the sprawling Causse du Larzac and its Templar towns. Périod: all year round. […]

608 liO bus service (+ 105)

Laroque © ADT 34 - C-Armand

608 liO bus service (+ 105) Montpellier Le Vigan The 608 “Montpellier – Le Vigan” liO bus takes you past garrigues, limestone cliffs and the Hérault River to the southern Cévennes at the foot of Mont Aigoual. In Le Vigan, take the 105 liO bus service to discover, in summer, the Navacelles cirque, Grand Site […]

631 liO bus service

Palavas © OT Palavas - CRTL Occitanie

631 liO bus service Montpellier Palavas-les-Flots The 631 “Montpellier – Palavas-les-Flots” liO bus takes you straight to the former fishing village between the sea and lake. Périod: all year round. Days: Monday to Sunday, including bank holidays. Recommended start point from Montpellier: Garcia Lorca stop (tram 4). Recommended stop    Palavas-les-Flots 15 minutes from Montpellier. […]

615 liO bus service

Vignoble Pic Saint Loup - Hérault

615 liO bus service Montpellier Quissac The 615 “Montpellier – Quissac” liO bus takes you into the hinterland north of Montpellier. Pic Saint Loup stands proud in a landscape of vineyards and garrigues dotted with traditional Mediterranean villages. A famous wine designation is named after the limestone mountain that looks out towards the staggering Hortus […]

606 liO bus service

La Grande Motte © Cyril Franklin - CRTL Occitanie

606 liO bus service Montpellier Aigues-Mortes The 606 “Montpellier – Aigues-Mortes” liO bus runs along the Mediterranean and its sprawling sandy beaches to the seaside resort of La Grande Motte. Périod: all year round. Days: Monday to Sunday, including bank holidays, except May 1st. Recommended start point from Montpellier: Place de France (tram 1). Recommended […]

603/604 liO bus service

Pezenas © Guillaume Payen - CRTL Occitanie

603/604 liO bus service Montpellier Pézenas The 603/604 “Montpellier – Pézenas – Béziers” liO bus takes you on a journey deep into the Hérault region. Soak up the magical Thau Lagoon and its oyster farms all the way to Pézenas, Molière’s hometown, with its rich architectural heritage, arts and crafts. Périod: all year round. Days: […]

682-685 liO bus service

Rando plateau du Caroux © ADT 34 S.Durand-Keller

682-685 liO bus service Montpellier Saint-Pons-de-Thomières The 682-685 “Montpellier – Saint-Pons-de-Thomières” liO bus runs through the Hérault département into the Haut Languedoc Nature Park. The Caroux and Espinouse mountain ranges peak at over 1000m and are surrounded by steep gorges. This listed site is renowned for its canoeing, climbing, walking and cycling.   Period: all year […]

668 liO bus service

Saint-Guilhem-le-Désert © G.Payen / CRTL Occitanie

668 liO bus service Montpellier Montpeyroux The 668 “Montpellier – Saint-Guilhem-le-Désert – Clermont-l’Hérault” liO bus takes you to the Gorges de l’Hérault. It’s a dream come true if you love history, arts and crafts, wine, swimming, canoeing, hiking or exploring caves. Périod: all year round. Days : Monday to Saturday, except bank holidays and May […]

Mediterranean line, Nîmes – Perpignan

Argelès-sur-Mer © S.Ferrer

Mediterranean line Nîmes – Perpignan NîmesMontpellierSèteAgdeBéziersNarbonneLeucate-la-FranquiSalsesRivesaltesPerpignan A long journey with a warm sand fragrance.  The train will take you on a journey that can last up to 15 days: from Nîmes to Perpignan, via Montpellier, a landmark Mediterranean city.   After your stopover in Montpellier, head for Gare Saint-Roch to continue your journey. You’re already on […]