Yellow Train line, Villefranche-de-Conflent – Latour de Carol

Train Jaune (Yellow train) © Office de Tourisme de Font Romeu

Yellow Train line Villefranche-de-Conflent – Latour de Carol Villefranche-de-ConflentThuès-CarançaMont-LouisFont-RomeuLatour de Carol Train Jaune (Yellow train) © Office de Tourisme de Font Romeu A journey on board the mythical “Canary” The Yellow Train, a train like no other on a line like no other, will take you on a vertiginous journey to the heights of the […]

Pyrenees line, Toulouse – Latour de Carol

Les Pyrénées © Ariège Pyrénées Tourisme /C.Ripon

Pyrenees line Toulouse – Latour de Carol ToulousePamiersFoixTarascon-sur-AriègeAx-les-ThermesLatour de Carol The call of the mountain!  Leaving Toulouse, the train soon follows the course of the Ariège river to take you southwards to the Pyrenees … The mountain scenery looms ahead, the Pyrenees mountain range takes shape and your eyes open wide.  You can already see […]