883 liO bus service

883 liO bus service Cahors Limogne The 883 liO bus service climbs on the causse to take you, through moist lawns and small oaks, to Limogne-en-Quercy, a stop on the way to Compostela. Period: all year. Days: Monday to Friday. Recommended start point from Cahors: De Gaulle stop. Recommended stop Limogne-en-Quercy 50 minutes from Cahors. […]

881 liO bus service

Panier de truffes à Lalbenque

881 liO bus service Cahors Lalbenque The 881 “Cahors – Lalbenque” liO bus climbs the causse above the Lot Valley to take you to Lalbenque, the realm of the Quercy black truffle.   Period: all year round. Days: Monday to Friday. Recommended start point from Cahors: Gare SNCF.  Recommended stop Lalbenque 30 minutes from Cahors. Stop: […]

891 liO bus service

Pont Valentré -guillaume-payen-crtloccitanie-0050063-md

891 liO bus service Cahors Vire-sur-Lot The 891 “Cahors – Vire-sur-Lot” liO bus takes you through the opulent Lot Valley and the AOP Cahors vineyards downstream of Cahors. Period: all year round. Days: Monday to Sunday, including bank holidays, except May 1st. Recommended start point from Cahors: Gare SNCF. Recommended stops Places to eat and […]

875 liO bus service

Pont Valentré, Cahors, Lot

875 liO bus service Cahors Lauzerte The 875 “Cahors – Lauzerte” liO bus runs along the top of the Lot Valley to two beautiful Quercy Blanc villages: Montcuq and Lauzerte (deep in the “Moissac – Lauzerte – Auvillar” Grand Site Occitanie).  Period: summer. Days: daily from July 1st-August 31st (including bank holidays), Saturdays and Sundays […]

878 liO bus service

Le centre ancien de Cahors

878 liO bus service Cahors Cajarc The 878 “Cajarc – Cahors” liO bus is all about sunshine and splashing around: it’s your summer ticket through the Lot Valley, from Cahors to Cajarc via Saint-Cirq-Lapopie.  Period: summer, July/August. Days: Monday to Sunday, including bank holidays. Start point from Cahors: Gare SNCF.  Recommended stops Places to eat […]

889 liO bus service

889 liO bus service Figeac Cahors The 889 liO bus connects 2 train stations on the Occitanie Rail Tour: Figeac on the Causse du Quercy service and Cahors on the Lot & Dordogne service. That way you can travel between the two and explore the beautiful Lot Valley, its cliffs and winding rivers peppered with […]

Lot and Dordogne line, Toulouse – Brive Dordogne Valley

Cahors - Pont Valentré © CRTL Occitanie / P.Thébault

Lot and Dordogne line Toulouse – Brive Dordogne Valley ToulouseMontaubanCaussadeCahorsSouillacBrive Vallée de la Dordogne A getaway journey into nature. Bye bye animated streets and squares of Toulouse! The train is waiting to take you slowly to green-clad horizons, all the way to the peaceful heart of the Corrèze. On the way … the orange bricks […]