Figeac © Lot Tourisme - Teddy Verneuil 1/1


On the Occitanie Rail Tour

Discover Figeac

Figeac, the hometown of Champollion, will enchant you with its dynamism and cachet. Here, people live, dwell, go shopping... amid remarkably well-preserved houses and urban palaces from the Middle Ages. These were built between the 12th and the 14th century by the rich merchants of Figeac, then (and still now) an important stop on the pilgrimage route to Santiago de Compostela. 


A town steeped in art and history, Figeac is known for its outstanding heritage, the highlight of which is the magnificent Champollion Museum, dedicated to the world's writings: 

In Figeac, you'll enjoy: 

  • Marvelling, Place des Écritures, at the giant reproduction of the Rosetta Stone which helped Champollion decipher hieroglyphic writing
  • Eating on a terrace on one of the squares of Figeac's preserved areas 
  • Following the Aiguille du Pressoir circuit, along a small section of the Santiago de Compostela route... or set off on a meaningful adventure on the way to the Puy
  • Visiting in August during the music festival Rencontres Musicales de Figeac

Linger longer in Figeac

 with our Fabuleux Voyage suggestion

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